Number: 000673
Date: 2023.10.16
新世代的智慧型穿戴裝置 “T-PASS”|New Generation Wearable Device T-PASS
Number: 000673
Date: 2023.10.16
T-PASS 是採用新型纖維材料所製成的新世代科技產品。它將虛擬投影、AI、6G通訊、感測等多項高科技技術融入纖維布料中,以最簡單的色彩、風格及個人化設計應用於日常服飾、健康運動、交通安全、導航等面向,全方位提升人類的生活品質。Participant| Wei-Hung Liao 、Pei-Yun Ho
Creative teams|BORING Design Lab
T-PASS is a next-generation technological product made from innovative fiber materials. It incorporates various high-tech features such as virtual projection, AI, 6G communication, and sensing into fabric, allowing for simple color, style, and personalized designs. T-PASS is applied in daily clothing, health and fitness, transportation safety, navigation, and more, all contributing to an overall enhancement of human quality of life.
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