Number: 001749
Date: 2023.10.16
Sixth Sense - 神經空間運算時代|Sixth Sense - The Era of Neuro-Spatial Computing
Number: 001749
Date: 2023.10.16
作者|Lim Kien Seng
透過智慧隱形眼鏡和腦電波耳機將腦機介面(BCI)與擴增實境(AR)融合的技術。 不再需要輕觸、手勢、滑動或說話等的輸入。而是運用吸引力法則,通過想法和信念作爲設備的主要輸入, 操控Sixth Sense的世界。Participant|Lim Kien Seng
Creative teams|Qiao Studio
A technology that convergence of brain computer interfaces (BCI) with Augmented Reality (AR) through the smart contact lenses and brainwave headset. No longer about tapping, gesture , swiping, or speaking. It's about your thoughts becoming the interface. Imagine controlling your world with your mind.
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