Number: 001264
Date: 2023.10.16
2040年,未來追悼會:「在這最後一次,記住我」|Funerals in 2040, “At this final gathering, Remember Me”
Number: 001264
Date: 2023.10.16
「在這最後一次,記住我」是由殯葬業者推出的新型追悼會。殯葬業者會將往生者提供自己在現實中或網路上的重要事蹟做成一個高科技大蠟燭,往生者過世時會在指定的地點、時間燃燒這個蠟燭,親友們可以前往悼念。 大蠟燭會在燃燒時一邊投影這些美好的歷史,同時ㄧ邊刪除網路上的資料,邀請前來的親友們可以藉著這個機會最後一次的聚在一起回憶曾經和往生者一起經歷的種種。 至於為什麼要將網路上的資料刪除?業者表示:「現代社會的往生者通常在網路留下大量的資料,時常會在沒有同意下被他人利用這些肖像、聲音、生活經歷等等,進行「二創」的行為,也可能利用人工智慧再造往生者。」「許多人認為這是不尊重往生者人權的『強迫永生』,因此想要在離世後刪去所有網路共享資料。」 隨著時間流逝,蠟燭漸漸燒盡的同時,親朋好友一同見證這最後一次的回憶跑馬燈,這是最後一次喔,彷彿是往生者對大家的提醒,請一定要好好記得我喔,往生者輕聲地說道。最重要的回憶,只留給最重要的人,最美好的回憶,因為有了「最後一次」這樣的限制而顯得更加珍貴。「在這最後一次,記住我」是帶有可惜卻又深刻的追悼會,因為沒有備份,反而增添了回憶的重量,也為離別添加了幾份詩意。Participant|YY
Creative teams|PEGATRON
At this final gathering, 'Remember Me' is a new type of memorial service or-ganized by funeral service providers. They create a special high-tech candle using important moments from the deceased person's life, whether in the real world or online. When the person passes away, this candle will lit up at a specific place and time. It's a chance for friends and family to come together to remember and honor the person. As the candle burns, it shows beautiful memories and, at the same time, de-letes the person's online information and data. People who attend the event can enjoy this moment to recall all the experiences they had with the person. Why do they delete the online information? The providers say, 'In today's world, when someone passes away, they often leave a lot of information online. Sometimes, others use this information without permission to make new things or even try to recreate the person, using technology. Many people see this as disrespectful to the person's rights, like trying to make them live forever online. So, they want all their online data to be removed after they pass away.' As the candle slowly burns out over time, friends and family can watch these memories one last time. It's like a gentle reminder from the person who passed away, saying, 'Please remember me.' The most important memories are saved for the most important people. Because it's the 'last time,' these beautiful memories become even more valuable. 'Remember Me' is a special and emotional event that makes memories feel even more precious because there are no backups, and it adds a touch of poetry to saying goodbye.
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